QR Tools

QR Tools is your go-to app for all things QR and barcodes. With this app in your pocket, you can easily whip up QR codes and barcodes like a pro. Whether you're looking to create QR codes for websites, contact information, or any other data, QR Tools has got your back.

Get it on Google Play
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Effortless Scanning

Scan QR codes with ease to quickly access information whenever you need.

Sleek User Interface

Enjoy a sleek and user-friendly interface that makes QR code creation and scanning a breeze.

Multiple languages

And if you're a language enthusiast like you are, you'll love the fact that QR Tools supports multiple languages. No more worrying about language barriers – just generate and scan codes in whatever language you prefer.


Elevate your QR codes with a variety of unique templates, ensuring your codes stand out and leave a lasting impression.

App screenshot on a phone